Tag:   Sustainable Development Goals > Quality education - (25)

Showing 25 Results

The 74

The 74

United States of America (the)

The 74 is a nonprofit news organization covering America’s education system from early childhood through college and career.

Twin Cities Innovation Alliance

Our mission is to build and develop a problem-solving ecosystem fueled by a critical mass of diverse, highly engaged residents, policymakers, and entrepreneurs made up of Black Indigenous and People of Color, in addition to other marginalized groups traditionally identified as the end-users and consumers of innovation and design, and transforming them into the innovators, purveyors, and beneficiaries.

Fondation Botnar

Fondation Botnar

Basel, Switzerland

Fondation Botnar works with and for young people towards a world that fulfils their rights and supports their wellbeing.

Embaixadores da Cidadania

Incrições abertas em 08/08 - É um programa de Educação Cidadã que se baseia nos princípios de governo aberto: transparência, prestação de contas, participação cívica, tecnologia e inovação. O objetivo do programa é promover a educação cívica e estimular a sociedade civil a participar ativamente nas políticas do Estado, reconhecendo-se como agente de transformação em sua realidade local.

UNHCR Connecting Worlds Mentor

Connecting Worlds is an App from UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, that facilitates meaningful connections to support the next generation of refugee students.

Students not Products

We think our kids are safe in school online. But many of them are being surveilled, and parents have often been kept in the dark. Kids are priceless, not products.

IT for Change

IT for Change


IT for Change is an NGO based in Bengaluru, India. IT for Change aims for a society in which digital technologies contribute to human rights, social justice and equity.

vc-ed (Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force)

The Verifiable Credentials for Education Task Force will explore the use of Verifiable Credentials that represent education, employment, and achievement credentials

Digital Credentials Consortium

We are building an infrastructure for digital academic credentials that can support the education systems of the future.

Responsible Computing Challenge

Responsible Computing Challenge

Mountain View, CA, USA

The Responsible Computing Challenge - supported by the Mellon Foundation, Omidyar Network, Schmidt Futures, Craig Newmark Philanthropies, USAID, Mozilla - fund academic teams that combine faculty and practitioners from Computing, Humanities, Library and Information Science, and Social Science fields in order to reimagine how the next generation of technologists will be educated.

Learning Economy Foundation

A Steward of the Internet of Education, Web3, Blockchain, Digital Wallets, Crypto, DOAs, and Verifiable Credentials for Learning


What if we worked together to enable learner sovereignty, mobility and agency?




Eduplana is a civic tech organization that uses data to advocate for quality education in Nigeria. We believe every citizen should have equal access to quality education with no bias on their location or status in Nigeria.

California Cradle-to-Career Data System

A statewide data system that will provide tools to help students reach their goals and deliver information on education and workforce outcomes.

Education Policy Impact Fellowships

Education Policy Impact Fellowships

United States of America (the)

two new Impact Fellowships for S&T experts seeking to advance smart education policy: The Learning Acceleration Fellowship at the Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences and the Data Science Impact Fellowship within the Office of the Under Secretary at the Department of Education.

Building the Field of Public Interest Technology article

Higher education must give the next generation of technology and policy leaders the interdisciplinary training they need to succeed, write Anne-Marie Slaughter, Darren Walker and Larry Kramer.

Nairobi Edtech Meetup

Nairobi Edtech Meetup

Mettā Nairobi, 6/F Belgravia, 14 Riverside Drive, Nairobi, Nairobi County Province, Kenya

Education innovation has found a new home - Nairobi! There is so much exciting work being done and we're all learning so much - let's find a way to share and support one another! The purpose of the gr

Code for Australia School Finder

Code for Australia School Finder

New South Wales, Australia

School Finder is an online tool for parents or guardians to find the right school for their kids.

Open Hub

Open Hub

78 Susan Drive, Newburgh, NY, USA

Tech Community Incubator in Hudson Valley

Gauteng Department Education Online School Registration

Gauteng Department Education Online School Registration

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

The online registration system is a provincial government web platform where parents can apply for learners' school placement for the following year

Blockcerts educational credentials

Build apps that issue and verify blockchain-based credentials for academic credentials, professional certifications, workforce development, and civic records.

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